Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 60

From then on, before Xing Zhi went out, he had to wake up Shen Li once to confirm whether she could perceive external things .

In the first two days, Shen Li was still relatively cooperative . Within a few days, Shen Li became impatient . When he stopped to wake her, she only covered her head with the quilt: “I can see and hear, but the sense of touch is gone, no problem . You can go, you can go . ”

Xing Zhi’s outstretched hand stopped in the air, hearing Shen Li’s breathing, he looked at her dumbfoundingly, and seeing how she was behaving now, who would have thought that she was so scared that day? Her face was pale, her body trembling, and her hands and feet were cold . Maybe it was only in her unconsciousness that she would express that emotion . If this woman, Shen Li, was even half-conscious, she would never allow herself to be so fragile...

“I don’t have any food at home, so I didn’t make breakfast . I’m going to the market to buy some ingredients, and I will be back soon . If you feel hungry, get water and cheat your stomach . ”

The person in the quilt responded dully .

Xing Zhi shook his head and went out .

However, Shen Li woke up not long after Xing Zhi left, lying on the bed in a daze, she felt that the feelings devoted to Xing Zhi were too much now, so much that it was almost beyond her control .

Before she thought that after this period of time is over, she could just suppress all over again, but... what if... she couldn’t suppress it anymore?

Shen Li had never relied so much on people . She felt a sense of danger of burning her body ... She sighed and couldn’t sleep anymore .

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed to wash, but she just walked to the yard and wanted to fetch water when she heard a few soft movements, Shen Li’s eyes condensed, knowing that today’s people are by no means as useless as those few rascals of a few days ago . She lowered her eyebrows and turned her head slightly: “Who is there?”

A few sounds of “thum” settled, and five people in black stood separately in the yard: “The King didn’t make it easy for us to find you . ”

Shen Li turned around with cold eyes, staring at the person who was talking .

The person immediately winked at the person next to him, and several people surrounded Shen Li .

Everyone has heard of the deeds of burning Fu Sheng and destroying dozens of creatures and their companions . They have all seen her tragic situation in the dungeon . She was wounded like that . Now she stands in perfect condition .

In front of her, it was inevitable to be scared, and for a while, no one dared to step forward .

The headed person gritted his teeth and said: “What are you afraid of? Master Fu Sheng said that she must not have regained her mana, now she is a useless person . At this time, If the master hears that we found her but didn’t catch her, you all will have to suffer the punishment!”

The last sentence seemed to awake them . After hearing the fear in everyone’s hearts, a few people gave each other a glance and just wanted to do something, but they heard Shen Li sneer: “I already defeated your master before . Don’t move indiscriminately . ”

The few people were already scared so as soon as she said this, they were even more panicked, and the leader shouted: “She must be bluffing people, do it!”

She was already without mana, and these people were cruel in their hearts, raising their hands and chanting . A white air overflowed from their fingertips, slowly condensing in front of them .

After their formula stopped, they saw that the white gas actually condensed into an arrow .

Shen Li knew that she was standing still, but between the electric light and flint, a barrier suddenly opened in front of her, and the white robe was blown in front of Shen Li’s eyes by the wind generated by the impact .

After the dust settled, Xing Zhi steadily stood in front of Shen Li, his expression cold .

Several people on the opposite side were stunned: “Impossible... He actually blocked the water stop technique with his hand...”

“Water stop technique?” Xing Zhi smiled,

“You said this technique?” Xing Zhi lifted his sleeves, an extremely cold breath swept out, but it was impossible to see the shape . When the reaction came, the man in black had been frozen into an ice sculpture .

“The younger generation tried to learn the art of the gods . ”

Xing Zhi’s voice was as indifferent as usual, but it was shuddering in their ears: “Go back and tell Fu Sheng, the gods will stop by, and come to visit in the future . ”

Yes...Xing Zhi Shenjun...” One person was frightened, his legs weakened, and he staggered back and fell straight to the ground . The other three were frightened and ran away hurriedly . The man who fell down got up and ran outside, but he stopped when he heard Xing Zhi say: “Stop . ”

“Ah...Ah...” The man’s legs trembled, and the bottom of his pants soon became wet . He was scared he peed his pants

” Move this thing away . ” He pointed at the ice sculpture, and the man in black nodded hurriedly, carried the ice sculpture desperately, and moved away in a panic .

Shen Li looked stunned behind him: “I have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, but I never knew that a name could scare the opponent like this . Your title is really prestigious . ”

“What about the prestige, I didn’t have time when it was supposed to work, causing you to be hurt...” Xing Zhi said indifferent and slightly bitter . He swallowed the second half before he finished .

Shen Li was joking first, she did not think he would take this so seriously, so she was slightly taken aback .

She vaguely felt that since she was injured, his behavior seems to be a little different from before .

If this was before, he wouldn’t say things like this no matter what .

Shen Li was silent, and there was silence in the yard for a while, before he asked, “My already knew it before?”

Shen Li was slightly startled, and said “Didn’t you already knew that I was aware? . ”

Xing Zhi remained silent

There are some things that both parties know, but it’s quite different when they are stated clearly .

Chapter 60 . 2

Xing Zhi could no longer play the ordinary fisherman now, and Shen Li is no longer the Shen Li who lodges at the fisherman’s house .

One of them is the God of Xing Zhi from the outer sky, the other is the Azure King of the Demon Realm .

Shen Li shoulders the responsibility as the guardian of the Demon Realm . And his responsibility is the safety of the three realms .

Now that Fu Sheng has come and sent soldiers, they should wake up from that dream, was time to face other things...

“My body is almost healed, but the mana has not been restored, and staying in the human world is not an option . I’ll have to trouble the god to send me back to the demon world . ”

He refused without even looking at her, “No . ”

Shen Li was stunned by such a straightforward answer: “Why?” She said with caution as if he was playing tricks

“I don’t want to send you, if you are capable, go back by yourself . ”

Shen Li was slightly angry:

“How can you let me go back with my own !” Now she can’t even probe where the entrance to the Demon Realm is, let alone fly through the clouds and mist, shuttle between the two realms .

“You are doing this to embarrass me!”

Xing Zhi smiled and said ” So, you know . “

Shen Li was silent for a moment then she took a deep breath and said:

“I want to return to the Demon Realm . First, the situation is chaotic now, not to mention the external and internal troubles of the Demon Realm . The atmosphere of the Heaven Realm is very strange recently . Although with the condition of my body I can’t do anything real when I go back, the marriage contract with Fu Rong is still there . At this time, the wedding will definitely alleviate the disparity between the two worlds . It is a good thing to be united now . Second, the Demon World may have a way to get my mana back and restore my five senses, it’s better than doing nothing...”

“First, canceled . ” Xing Zhi poured a cup of tea on the table and said softly, “Azure King and Fu Rong’s marriage contract has been canceled . ”

Shen Li was stunned: “Wha...wait! Why!” When she desperately tried to escape the marriage, they were tied together, but when Shen Li finally saw benefits in it, this person actually told her that her wedding with Fu Rong... was canceled?

“On the entire three Realms is well known Azure King was killed . ” Xing Zhi said faintly “How can Heaven’s grandson marry a dead person? Therefore, your marriage is canceled . Both Heavenly Emperor and Demon Lord recognize this .

Shen Li froze for a moment, for some reason, her first thought was: “Jun Fu Rong must have been very happy to hear this . ”

Xing Zhi took a sip of tea and shook his head: “No, he was heartbroken when he heard that Mo Fang was dead . It seemed that after going on a hunger strike for two or three days, he heard that Mo Fang was a traitor and spy, and he was even more traumatized, so he almost cried . ”

Hearing Mo Fang’s name, Shen Li’s eyebrows also sank, but she did not give him too much detail . When he thought about it, he stopped and said:

“Second, I have the method to restore mana and five senses . And this method is in the human world . I was planning to let you heal completely before telling you, but since you are so impatient, I can tell you now . ”

Shen Li was overjoyed: “Really?”

Although she hasn’t complained about the current situation where all her magic power is lost, in her heart she hopes that they can recover as soon as possible . After all, Azure king is proud and without power, Shen Li would not ever be the same .

“From here to the north, crossing the North Sea, and bypassing an ice-snow plain, you will see a snowy mountain . There is a big demon living in it . There are many rare things for people to buy and sell, and there may be more things than in the heavens . So there may be a way or medicine to restore you . ”

Shen Li’s eyes lit up: “So, maybe I can find a new weapon!”

Xing Zhi was startled and suddenly coughed twice, as if I thought of something slightly embarrassing: “You don’t need to find a new one . Your broken spear, I have already picked it up for you . But I put it in the sky, but I can go and bring it to you . ”

Has her broken spear been connected?

This didn’t seem strange at first, but when you think about it... She is the lord of the demon world . It stands to reason that her things after her death should be left to the demon world for safekeeping, why did he get the two pieces of the spear? And also Reconnect it and place it in the outer sky? Her gun has been influenced by demonic energy all the year-round and has killed countless people . The evil spirit is compelling . It should be in conflict with the spirit of Xing Zhi . Wouldn’t it be a big damage to his body if he took the gun? Putting this aside, he said that he took the gun and put it in the sky, how could the demons allow it?

Outsiders don’t know, but Shen Li knows it in her heart . For the demons, she is the Azure King, the Demon Lord’s disciple, and like a daughter . A Child’s “relic” Can’t be easily given .

Shen Li frowned and looked suspiciously .

Xing Zhi turned his head and said, “I will take you north in two days . ” He got up and left .

“Hey, wait a minute . ” Shen Li called to him, “Do you have any injuries on your body?”

Xing Zhi turned around and smiled: “What kind of injury can I have?”

Yes, he was such a powerful god, How could he get hurt?

In the darkroom, one person stood quietly, his broad robe almost covered his face: “The High God...” He whispered softly

“The plan is not yet completed, he appeared too early . ” He turned his head . Looking at the black-clothed youth on the side with cold eyes, “Young Master, is this the result you wanted?”

Mo Fang only said coldly: “Everything else will do, but leave Shen Li alone . ”

Fu Sheng laughed mockingly: “Young Master’s kindness is overwhelming! Where was this kindness when you escape from the Demon’s capital ?! I clearly remember that there was a general who wanted to “save” you out of the creature’s hands . It was you who killed him in secret with a sword . Heh! Why didn’t you have such kindness at that time!?”

Mo Fang quietly closed his eyes . Fu Sheng continued: “I Can’t do anything to Shen Li... But you know that Phoenix Orb is the most indispensable thing in the plan, but you still let her go! Young master, this childish love made you blind? The sacrifice of these centuries will be ruined on that Shen Li? If the Lord knew it, he would be extremely sad . ”

“I will find an alternative . ” Mo Fang said after a long silence, “You, I want you to go north to the place where the Golden Snake Demon is . I heard that there are many rare and exotic treasures in his place . Look for it . If you can find something to replace the Phoenix Fire Pearl, you can’t move on Shen Li . ”

Fu Sheng Sneered: “If I can find it, I won’t move Shen Li again . ”

Mo Fang turned and left .

Fu Sheng sat quietly for a while, and someone suddenly reported: “My lord, among the hundred human beings captured, after being fed the pill, ninety-five of them died and three became complete demons . Two of them fell into a coma . ”

“Defective product, kill them . ” Fu Sheng waved his hand and sent the person away . He thought for a while and then said, “Take the few people who escaped from Xing Zhi’s hands and give them pills . They have learned spells, and if they succeed, they should be even more powerful . ”

“Yes, sir, there is one more thing, the third prince of Beihai seems to have no more secrets to confide . ”

Fu Sheng nodded: “So, take out the core and put it together with the other two for safekeeping . ”

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