The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon Nap

Chapter 40

Anyway, I’m really sorry for that.

On a side note: well, if you don’t really hurt by the feel. I think it was still good in a sense. I think I’m over sensitive. It’s not like, everyone will cry a lot with a sad story.

That pure damage still hurting me even now, I can’t really behave normal.

I think I don’t need to worry anymore. But just saying, the “feel” is still here.


Chapter 40: Ruts’s ambition

At the stairway, He said in a loud voice with a relaxed sense, his footsteps echoing through the basement.

He was a man wearing magician like clothes.Robe has gold embroidery from here and there, it looks really expensive.

His dark hair color are mixed black and blue. His age from the face is about mid-twenties?

Because the robe is thick, I do not know the physique is clear but the line of the face is narrow.The pupil is purple.

“Welcome, intru...buffu!”

Somehow the lord blew off when he tried to say something.

He disconnected his eyes and pulls his hands against his mouth. I wonder what happened?

“What’s the matter?”

“why is there a pervert in my basement ... ?!”

“Excuse me, it’s just that I don’t have clothes to wear“

Because it was burned down by Kuzuha-chan, I’m not naked because I want to.

The reason why that happened was also because the lord (PIG) who trick Kuzuha-chan.

“Okay, I do not really understand ... That thing you are picking up is belonging to me, I will get it back now”

“You think she become your possession because you success to deceive her and kill her ?”

“That’s exactly why, what the hunter hunted is his possession? In the same way, It was me who kill that female fox ... so that body belong to me, Ruts Shivua” (ルーツ・シヴァ: Rūtsu shivu~a, TN: I don’t even want to know what his name should be, I just let it as that)

A man named Rut took out a cane from his bosom.

It was a familiar color.It is almost gold but only the tip of the cane is brown.

Short wand with color of fox.The design is simple, it looks just like a stick with just a blister tip, but that color is the same shiny fox color is really familiar.

Not only color, both the smell and the magical power that I feel from the cane are definitely of the same as the Kuzuha-chan and her mother.

“That staff is ... ....”

“I dwell with demons and demi, the magical power that overflows from the dead body of a particularly powerful fellow, I was me who researching Magic Artifact to make it. “

“So, It was really you who kill this person?”

“It was easy to deceive an idiot fox. I’m just telling it I can make use of that power for peace and it completely believe me. I completely took care of it using the poison.Well, It still living for a while but it make a perfect magical power source by hang it here in the basement. It stop breathing in a couple of days though”


“Beside, she has a daughter, she is still young but she is also growing up to be a fine living research material. That fox similar to her mother, is also stupid. It’s easy to do. I even put a slave collar on the neck”

“I get that you want to take back her corpse by force, why are you only just talking so far.”

“Oh ... Of course, I just wanted time for the prototype ... and the preparation is complete!”

It seems that he was prepared something, so he is talking to stall time.

It wasn’t an amusing story, in fact I feel disgusted.

A golden light flew from the fox staff was shine brightly.

I thought that it was an attack, but it was not the case.The light emitted was not aiming at me, but is hitting the armor around the room.

“Trial production Magic Artifact, Kujyu Butai.Now... Dance!“

An euphoric voice resonates in the cellar.

The armors in the cellar start moving. Not just one armor, all of them start to move with the clanging metal sounds. There are 9 bodies in total.

“It will be wonderful, it takes a little time to cast spell, but it is an immortal soldier who has no life, even if it is destroyed and we still have no human injury .This will be popular in the empire, and we can even mass production !!”

“Ha, is that so?”

“From your body, I can feel high magical power ... Vampires or demons, whatever you are, I will add as a new experimental body!”

I do not care about the his purpose, but I can’t bring Kazuha-chan’s mother back like this.

Since it seems to be difficult to fight while princess carry her body, I put down the dead body of Kuzuha-chan’s mother to the floor.

Careful, don’t be rough, gently, don’t let her body get hurt and lay her on the floor.

The flock of armor is completely surrounded me.The movements of the armor are as smooth as it has people in, they pull out the sword and is beginning to attack.

... If no one is inside, I do not have to hold back.

“Wind-san, please.”

First I need to take some distance to not involve Kazuha’s mother’s body. I use my magic and thrust my hand to the armor that was on the right side, which is close to me.A small gust of wind cover my hand make a magic fist attack blow the armor away and hit the wall. (see, translator corner)

The armor that was hit by the wall fell down and stop for a moment, then it got up quickly.

The helmet is dented, and perhaps also the torso.Even so, it does not seem like being frightened, nor does it drop the sword.

There is no single response, it hasn’t been defeated yet. It is a suitable existence to call as an immortal soldier.

“This is quite troublesome thing, isn’t it?”

At the same time I’m talking, the remaining eight rushed to me.

They all come directed towards here and reach the range, they slash at the same.

Because I don’t want to get hurt, I choose avoidance rather than defense.

I move with high speed, passed the side of the armor that came from the left.Armors who have lost sight of the target (me) collide with each other, and a loud sound reverberates.

If there is human in it, that would be a big accident, but there are no people inside the armor.It get up immediately and run toward me to attack.

And the enemy is not just the armors.Ruts is pointing the cane toward here.

A sensory-like feeling. Here it come.

“Thunder, come forth!”

It came.Light flew from the tip of the cane.

It is obviously different from the band of light that he use to move the armors earlier.It is more powerful, it can be called lightning.

Lightning strike.It is not the speed that can be avoided after watching it.It hit me directly.

“I feel a little numb”


... It hits like this though.

If this is a physical, genuine thunder, I may get hurt badly, but fortunately the opponent’s attack is magic type.

If magic, my resistance is significant reduce the damage.

“That impossible, my thunder spell”

“Kujyu Butai, get her” (I don’t really understand but maybe Kujyu Butai is the magic word to control armor, not the name of armor)

“Whichever is okay, because it is troublesome, I will finish it right now.”


He can manipulates nine soldiers and can attack with un-avoid-able speed.

Well, it’s easy to deal with.Rather than avoid, you can defeat the opponents before the opponents attack you. (attack is the best form of defence)

I stepped in with all my strength from the start. After reborn, this is the first full strength.

... ... It’s fast.

I moved at a speed that even the sound was left behind.

First of all, I will put the armors together and finish them. Speak the word “Please” while passing the armors, the wind will hear my words.

Wind rising from bottom to top.Together with the armors, I blew nine bodies off to the ceiling.Without even see my attack, all the armors was blow off quickly.

“What ...!?”

“These things are an obstacle so I blow them away”

I stop in front of him.Take his arm with my hand and I use my leg to sweep his feet. He is falling to the ground.

I take out the diggusting soup from my Blood Bag and thrust it into his mouth that leaked an agony voice.

I will not let you scream. Well, the armor hit the floor from a little while ago, and a gaudy sound is echoing as the armor collides with each other. I do not have to worry about sounds at the moment.If the guards come, I will just beat them all together.

I just want to return what I got.

“It was a feast, I will repay you in full”

This is the food Kuzuha-chan gave to me before.

And its origin is what he prepared.I will return the feeling that I got to Kuzuha-chan, but I will return the thing here in his mouth.

“Mo, go, goooooo! ?”

“What’s wrong? it is meal, isn’t it?”

To give others what you can not eat.So this strange thing, I will make him eating all of it.

I open his mouth and stuffs it in.There is no use for me even if I have it, so I will return everything, PROPERLY.

The sound is loud in the background.The sound from the armors falls to the ground.Ignoring it and continue returning.

Ruts was squirmed violent, but his reaction got weaker and he is eventually pass out.A cane fell from the hand that lost power and a dry sound appeared.

“... Hmm ... I still have more, but it can not be helped?”

He is not dead. He just fainted.Let’s put the rest in his hood.

I look back and none of the armor is moving.

It is not surprise, because they are moved by magic from the cane in his hand, the caster is unconsciousness, and the cane is falling to ground.It is the same as the radio control that picked up the remote control.

I avoid the parts of the scattered armor and return to Kuzuha-chan’s mother again.

“Kuzuha-chan is waiting for you, let’s go home.”

There is no reply, even though I knew that. I lifted her and raised her up in a princess carry.

I take the soul-less lady out of basement and leave the mansion.

On the way back, when I wonder what to do with the door of the food food storage, but ruts seems to have opened the door and i can get out without problems.

I wonder if Kuzaha-chan is still awake.


Translator Corner.

Magic Fist Attack is kind of like this. I guess

Lightning Fist

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