Kujibiki Tokushou: Musou Hāremu ken

Chapter 61


Hikari, Nana, Io, and Miu, the four of them .

Hikari was holding my hand, and the three are following from behind .

Recently, the way Hikari held my hand was very cute .

She makes me take out only my pointing finger, and *Gyutto*, she holds it .

It was very cute, it was unbearably cute .

『What a doting parent』

Shut up . You’re the one who’s bad giving birth to such a cute girl .

「Otou-san, what’s that?」

「Un? Ahh, cotton candy huh」

What caught Hikari’s eyes was a stall selling cotton candies .

「Cotton candy?」

「Ahh, it’s something that is made out of sugar, so it’s fluffy and sweet」

「I want to eat it!」

Hikari’s eyes sparkled . It’s something that children likes after all .

I took Hikari, and approached the stall .

「Do you want some too?」

I turned around, and asked the three .

「I don’t like, sweet things that much……」

「I want to eat some」

Nana and Io answered promptly .

「E〜to, I……」

Miu was somehow holding back . If she doesn’t want it, she would probably immediately say that she doesn’t want it, so she probably wants to eat some .

「Store owner, give me three of those」

「Coming up」

「Miu, pay the bill」

Miu went in front in a hurry, and paid the bill .

Recently, just like this, I try to not hold a wallet when going out .

Althea said, that it was noble-like to take slaves with me and make them pay .

I received the cotton candy, and handed it to Hikari .

「Waaaa, so sweet〜」

「It’s sweet right, it’s fluffy and melts immediately in your mouth」


「There’s this animal called Rinsing Bear, every time it eats something, it places it into the water to wash it . And when I gave that rinsing bear cotton candy, as I’ve thought, it actually washed it so it melted and disappeared, the rinsing bear makes a really sad face」

「Rinsing bear, how poor……」

Hikari got disheartened .

I expected a reaction like, “Ahahaha, how weird〜”, but she unexpectedly got emotionally involved with the rinsing bear .

『It’s because you’re talkative』

Shut up……I know that .

「But rinsing bear also washes fruits before it eats it, so it doesn’t have a stomach ache, and it’s always healthy you know」

I tried to follow up on it .

「Waa〜, rinsing bear is amazing」

「Ahh, it’s amazing」

My follow successes .

Hikari ate the cotton candy . The way that around her mouth got stick was also cute .

「Uhm, Master」

Miu talked to me .

When I turned around, there was the cotton candy on Miu’s right hand, and there was something like a paper in her left hand .

「This, I asked for it」

「That is?」

「It seems like there’s an event in the town . If we have this, they say that we can draw the lottery」


I was dumbfounded .

「We can draw the lots!」

Hikari snatched at that .

After they finished eating the cotton candy, we came to the center of the town with all of us .

There was a tent there, and there was a lottery machine that I was used to seeing in that tent .

I didn’t think that it was really the lottery .

「Otou-san! Let’s draw lots?」


I took Hikari with me, and went to the tent .

I handed the one lottery ticket we received .

「Yes, one draw it is . Who will draw it」

「Hikari, you want to?」


With a full smile, Hikari put her hand on the handle, and turned it .

*GaraGaraGara*, *Poton* .

What came out was a white ball .

「Too bad, it’s a miss」

It was a miss . Well, with only one chance it would be like this huh .


I took Hikari and tried to return where everyone was . Along the way, Hikari stopped, and stared at the tent .

Does she want to draw more……she probably do .

Even in the lottery before, she had much fun drawing it after all .

「Nana, Io, Miu」

While holding Hikari’s hand, I told the three .

「Go and gather lottery tickets . I don’t care how much it would cost . Buy everything if you see something you want」



「I-I understand」

Nana and Io received money from Miu, and the three scattered .

That lottery can’t increase the drawing times a lot . There’s finally one piece after using a huge sum, can be drawn once a day, and drawing about 10 times was the limit .

But it’s different here, town……it’s a shopping district level lottery, the chances can be increased easily .

After a while, I received the lottery ticket from the three that returned .

「Thank you, Nana」

「As Aruji commands」

「Thank you, Io」

「There was something I wanted to buy, so it’s just right on time」

「what did Miu buy?」

「Uhm, meat, vegetables, andーー」

「It’s very Miu-like huh」

The tickets that the three gathered after shopping here and there, easily exceeded 200 .

「Hikari, let’s go draw once more . You can draw for about 200 times this time」

「Really! Wa〜i」

Together with Hikari, we entered the tent again .

I handed the lottery ticket, and made Hikari draw the lottery .

「Wa〜, amazing〜」

Hikari turned the handle very happily .

In the middle, she stopped once .

「It’s over?」

「You can still draw a lot more」

She was said with a smile .

And then, she joyfully drew .

Unlike that lottery, it looks like she’s happy that she can draw as much as she wants .

Most of it’s a miss (participation prize), but she didn’t mind and continued to draw .

『Isn’t the miss too many . Shouldn’t she be able to get something for once in a hundred times』

「Isn’t it fine, Hikari is having very much fun after all」

「Aruji, wouldn’t it be better if we gather more tickets」

「Un, I guess so . Until Hikari gets tired ofーー」

When I was about to ask to gather lottery tickets again, *GaranGaran*, the hand bell rang .

「Congratulations, first prize, it’s a huge hit」


Surprisingly, a huge hit came out, on top of that, it’s the first prize .

I approached Hikari .

The lottery person took out the goods from the back, and gave it to Hikari .

「There you go, first prize . It’s the latest Demon Sword replica」

「Wa〜, it’s Okaa-san〜」

「Does little girl’s Okaa-san have one too? Ahh, it looks like Otou-san have one too . They are being made recently, and it was being sold here and there after all」

The lottery person saw Eleanor in my waist and said . There was somehow, a misunderstanding, but I ignored it .

「However, this is the latest version . Little girl, hold that and put magic powers on it」

「Magic powers? Like this」

Hikari held the Demon Sword replica, and *GuGuGu*, closed her eyes and put powers on it .

How cute .

And then, there was a dark aura coming out of the Demon Sword replica .


「Just like that, it’s the latest one that releases a dark aura when magic powers are poured on it . Of course, it’s something that is not harmful to humans so use it as much as you want」

Eleanor’s fake was really evolving so much huh .

Hikari held the Demon Sword replica that has aura coming out of it, and asked me .

「Otou-san, is Hikari cool?」

「Master’s usual stance it is」

Miu said . It’s true, it’s the stance that I usually use .

It’s exactly like it, but…… .


Rather than cool, it was very cute .


『You doting parent』

Say what you want .

Hikari who had a stance with the Demon Sword, it was so cute that I wanted to take a picture and display it .

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