Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 414 - Declaration of the End of the Battle

Chapter 414: Declaration of the End of the Battle

The Rhodok people had studied the spear, but they had reached the point where they had gone mad.

This was no wonder.

After all, right next to them was the Kingdom of Swadia, where cavalry was their main force in battles.

Only by relying on the complicated geographical location of the mountain region of Kingdom of Rhodoks, could they obstruct the heavy cavalries of the Kingdom of Swadia. However, if they wanted to defeat their former suzerain, they had to develop an army that could restrain the heavy cavalry.

The heavy armor and spear footmen were the troop class that these Rhodok people chose.

Reality proved that they were extremely useful.

They continued to develop their excellent defense.

The dense troops formed a solid defensive line that was like a mountain rock. Together with the sharp spear, they pressed layer upon layer towards the enemy’s formation. They were not greedy for merit and did not advance rashly. From time to time, there would be crossbowmen who held heavy crossbows to counterattack. Their combat strength was extremely terrifying.

At the very least, under such a formation, many kingdoms in the entire Continent of Caradia were helpless against them.

They were like the porcupines made of rocks.

They could not charge through them.

They could not bite through them.

There were more sharp external spikes.

If the enemies accidentally charged to this Rhodok formation, they would be in an even more miserable situation.

For example, the Crimson Sect’s lancers could only press against the tower shield when they stabbed forward with their spears. However, they still had to worry about the sharp spears piercing through the shield formation.

The sharp cold spears were extremely deadly. They were aimed at the throat, chest, and thighs, which had weaker defense.

In a short moment.

Dozens of Crimson Sect’s lancers fell to the ground, howling in pain.

Then, the Rhodok footmen behind the tower shield pushed forward step by step and pressed over. They squeezed out a space and arrived in front of the injured spearmen who were lying on the ground. Then, the footmen smashed them by one-handed war hammers.

Their skulls were cracked, and they were directly smashed until blood flowed out of their seven orifices. They could not be more dead.

Their methods were cruel.

They did not even leave any survivors!

This made the Crimson Sect spearmen even more terrified.

People were all afraid of the Crimson Sect’s lancers. In fact, they were the lance-wielding soldiers that Viscount Gibran had trained in Avilis Castle. However, they had been transferred to Mountain of Death and became the Crimson Sect’s private soldiers.

They were not the elite troop class of the Crimson Sect. They were just the squire troops guarding the periphery of Mountain of Death.

There was no need for them to risk their lives for the Crimson Sect.

Therefore, they were retreating.

Moreover, they knew that two ballistae were waiting behind them.

There were still more than 200 strong archers. They could completely form the formation of the ballistae. The strong archers could cover and fire, turning these heavy-armored Rhodok Spearmen, who had amazing defense but were very slow, into a dead porcupine!

At the back, the commander of the Crimson Sect’s lancers thought the same thing.

His eyes were slightly scarlet.

The aura of the devil was circulating around him.

He was a superior from Mountain of Death, a member of the Crimson Sect. Because the Devil General had given him great power, he, who was once a peasant, was now able to control this army.

He was an absolute loyalist to Crimson Sect.

That was why he personally led the army here.

As long as he massacred this group of cavalries that had once heavily injured Viscount Gibran, he would be able to obtain even greater power when he returned. When he thought of this, he could not help but tremble with excitement and fanaticism.

As he gave the order, the lancers at the front continuously retreated and spread out, making way for the ballistae at the rear.

The lances were already placed on top of the two ballistae as the projectiles.

The powerful lance could be shot out like an arrow.

Even the thick tower shield would not be able to block it. It would directly pierce through the body of the person behind it, nailing the mighty heavy armored soldier to the ground. He would slowly die with a mournful wail.

This was a siege weapon. In the field, its power was like an ancient version of a cannon!

But before the it could be fired, groups of crossbowmen rushed out quickly from the cave.

They were all Rhodok Veteran Crossbowmen. They held the best heavy crossbows in their hands. They quickly walked to the side of the cave and lined up in formation. In an extremely short period of time, they pulled the trigger.

“Whoosh, whoosh, Whoosh.” the sound of the steel crossbow bolts tearing through the air was incessant.

And within a range of 100 meters, the ballista, which was originally in an absolutely safe position, had been destroyed.

The steel bolts were like a torrential rain, instantly piercing over. The operators, who had not had the time to react, were instantly pierced through by the steel bolts. The leather armor on their bodies could not withstand it. One by one, they retreated in pain and collapsed on the ground. Then, they died horribly painful.

As for the operators who were lucky enough to survive after hiding behind the ballista, they watched all of this in horror. They threw down the tools in their hands and fled to the back.

Faced with such accurate shooting, no one dared to continue stay at their position.

They did not need to risk their lives.

However, behind them, the Crimson Sect’s barrier troop dressed in black robes appeared on their escape route.

The commander with a gloomy expression waved his hand. He waved his longsword and slashed the escaping operators. Instantly, the heads and necks of the operators were separated, and they were killed on the spot, intimidating the soldiers whose morale had already been shaken.

The rule of the Crimson Sect itself was based on terror.

This method was very normal.

However, even with the existence of the barrier troop, it was still unable to raise the already depressed morale.

This was because the heavy armored long lance soldiers with tower shields had already advanced, causing the Crimson Sect’s long lance soldiers to be forced to retreat. They had no intention of resisting at all, not to mention that they did not have any means to resist.

Among them, the one with the best equipment was wearing mail armor. Most of them were wearing iron-scale armor.

However, against the existence in front of them that was obviously a troop of elite footmen, what could they use to resist?

It was impossible!

At the entrance of the cave, more troops appeared.

The archers with bows climbed to the top of the hill, followed by a continuous rain of arrows that covered the bodies of the lance-wielding soldiers.

However, when the Crimson Sect’s archers wanted to counterattack, they were immediately scattered by the steel bolts.

They had completely lost the ability to fight!

Their morale was extremely low.

Moreover, there were close to 200 light cavalry soldiers on the periphery who were still running around and attacking them.

From time to time, short pilums would be thrown at them. If anyone was left behind, the Desert Bandits would form into a group and pull out their scimitars. They charged forward with their spears and slaughtered all the soldiers of the Crimson Sect who were alone.

“What’s going on...”

The commander of the Crimson Sect had a look of madness and despair in his eyes.

This should have been his victory, but he did not expect that there would be so many reinforcements from the mouth of the cave. He did not believe that there would be so many troops hidden inside.

Perhaps, the mouth of the cave was actually an underground passage!

His guess was correct.

But it was useless.

Just at the hole, Kant had already led a large number of cavalries to rush out.

Along with the roar of the warhorses, more and more Desert Bandits pounced out and spread out towards the empty plains beside them. Among them were the Sarrandian Horsemen with excellent equipment, as well as the fully armored Mamlukes!

This battle, which had continued for several days, could finally be declared over.

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