Summoner: Monster Girl Harem!

83 [Bonus Chapter] Chapter 83

Raizel chanted as she watched the huge flaming storm tear apart their flesh and searing them alive. Her eyes dilated with delight. She was a former demon goddess and loved destruction, always feeling her master lacked that explosive flair.

— Lanza Brera Zulfaris!

Suddenly, the sky turned dark for a moment as lighting struck her spear\'s tip. She pulled back her left shoulder, holding the spear horizontal across her body. Her spear tip pointed towards the orcs as it glowed with a vibrant black light.

Raizel waited, building up power in her strike. From the corner of her eyes, she watched as Celine and Efrita brawled with the Orc Lord.

A deep thud sounded as Efrita smashed her spiked knee into the chest of the Orc Lord. However, it shrugged off the damage and gave her a quick headbutt, shattering her face armour more. A trail of blood oozed from her nose.

Yet her lips formed a thick smile.

Immediately after, Celine jumped into the air behind the lord and crashed her heel into his head. A deep thunk sounded before shadow spikes shot from her body countless missed as the orc dodged to the left using instinct alone.

However, she pierced his back like a pincushion as small amounts of blood dribbled down from his back.

"Hah… Fucking pig! Dare to lay your lecherous eyes on our bodies! We are masters alone!"

Celine, clad in a battle suit of full black, almost made of shadow, rained light blows into the orc\'s back. Efrita would never let this chance go as her fists glowed bright red, slamming with deep thuds into the man\'s chest. It crushed his organs that regenerated slowly, snapped his breast bones and arms that tried to block in desperation.


With the swipe of his arm, the Orc Lord parried her fist, followed by a snapping sounded. The Orc Lord\'s full powered swing broke her arm. She didn\'t cower or back off. Efrita lowered her body. Tight muscles and tanned skin shone with sweat and blood under the bright sky as she leapt up, driving her knee into the heavily breaking orc.



— Shadow Rend!

— Blazing Impact!

Two women seemed in sync as the orc lord tried to focus his vision. He felt the world still spinning after this slut smashed into his chin. His arms blocked across his chest to stop any fatal blows upon him. Sadly, these women were too fierce.

A black shadow spiralled from the nether, forming a single blade as Celine lifted her arm into the sky.

Two flaming orbs infused themselves with Efrita\'s body.

The black scales became molten and bubbled with lava-like fluid.

They looked across at each other. Both noticed the storm of flames behind them shrink as if it would explode at any moment. Efrita nodded to Celine as if they understood, as they gathered more power. The shadow sword contracted, becoming smaller but filled with destructive power.

Efrita glowed bright red, her hair, eyes, lips, nails everything turned to flame.

Vincent watched in silence. He never saw his women fight. This was something he now regretted. How could he not realise how strong they were, able to work together so neatly with only a few minor battles together?

A sense of delight filled him, a sort of battle high. His spell came to the end. He could let it fizzle out slowly over time, burning them, or let it go out with a bang.

—|Vincent: \'Girls, my attack will explode in three seconds! Use that moment to your advantage. I know you already planned to, but now you have a signal!\'







The flames sucked up into a tiny ball. Some orcs still alive with singed hair and charred flesh grasped onto their stone clubs desperately, as they suddenly felt a lack of air and trouble breathing.

At that moment, the small flame exploded.

Everyone\'s ears burst from the moment of impact.

A large shockwave blast everyone, taking their balance. Followed by an intense explosion moments after which caused the Orc Lord to stagger. Vincent watched his intense blaze rip the poor orcs into pieces, charring them into cooked meat before they could realise their own deaths.

In the following moments, Raizel turned her body halfway to the left, now in line with the Orc Lord, ready to attack.

Celine dashed forward, holding the small shadow blade with two arms, and swung it down with every fibre in her body. A black line cut through the world itself, devoid of all light, sound, and life. Her attack flew towards her target. The scream of wind stopped halfway because of the black blade light dampening it.

Her attack wasn\'t unnoticed by the Orc Lord, who stopped guarding and turned his body to leave. He wasn\'t stupid and much more cunning than the Super orc believed, sadly he forgot one woman now encased in flames like a burning star herself.

Efrita didn\'t aim to kill him, her attack was one. Contain him!

She flung her body across the metre distance, burning the grass, melting the dirt as she lowered her left side to fire a sharp left hook into the orc\'s kidney.

Once it connected with a vile smack. Her fist ripped the fat orc\'s flesh as her impact caused a reverberating pop. Then a bubbling noise as she cooked his flesh, almost fusing her hand to his body. Efrita wrapped herself around his front and pushed him forward onto the black blade that shot towards her.

Her eyes dilated, as both she and the orc\'s world became darkness.

Void of sound

Empty of life

Nothing remained as her mind slipped away…

Suddenly, a bright light shot forward into her eyes and blinded her for several moments. Her body shuddered, convulsing in an intense lightning shock, before her eyes opened for a moment. They felt the pain from normal light. She looked to her right. Raizel held a dead orc in midair with her lance piercing his chest, the heart torn and dangled on the spear\'s tip.


"My woman is so awesome…"

The three women chuckled, hearing Vincent\'s words as they were all filled with a slight sensation of fatigue. Efrita snapped her arm back in place and shook her body around to get rid of the slight tingling from the thunder attack.

Vincent watched as Raizel waited for the shadow to strike both the orc and Efrita before she unleashed a crazy lunge that shot her several metres in an instant. Should her attack be even a slight inch off, it would be Efrita\'s heart on the spear.

He was glad the shadow worked to blind the Orc Lord, causing him to stumble and stand inside the grasp of Efrita, unable to understand what was happening.

Raizel used Lanza Brera Zulfaris on the Orc Lord!

— Combo Attack! +50% damage!

— Orc Lord suffered 500 Damage!

— Heart Destroyed!

— HP: -100/1,200


— Gained 1,000 Exp

— Devoured +1 Strength, + 4 Stamina!

Level 12 | Exp 0 / 12,000 —> 1,000 / 12,000

Strength: 33 —> 34

Stamina: 22 —> 26

Vincent felt a burst of power in his body. His muscles improved. He grew used to the small increase of one or two attribute points. But the four stamina caused his thighs to cramp, stomach to convulse as he dropped to the ground, looking like he suffered from a seizure.

—|Vincent: \'Fuck, this hurts like hell! Damn devour, why are you working so often now!?\'

[Sorry Darling, this is because the stronger a monster, or high rank of blood it has, the racial will trigger more.]

[The Super Orc was a kind of mutant with high intelligence and self-awareness, hence his kinder heart than other orcs.]

[The Lord was an Orc that could become an Orc King or Hero, eventually. Thus he gave much more than usual monsters.]

He appreciated this information, but the tight pain in his chest stopped his ability to respond. Efrita was the first girl to reach his side and massaged his abs to help with the pain. She was very familiar with this, as her mother would do the same for her during her youth.

Celine trotted over, her seductive flesh back in show as she squatted over his face and helped massage his arms, leaning forward. Her sweet scent filled Vincent\'s nose, causing a strange pain of relief as his mind filled with lust and desire.

Suddenly, left alone with no place to massage, Raizel took the first move towards kinship with her master. His daily presence in her like now is greater than before and could be the most important. Her little tights squished as she knelt between his legs, her delicate fingers so the bulking tent that seemed painful within his pants and pulled them open.

A massive flesh club flopped out at high speed as it slapped her nose, squashing it flat like an orc. Her little nose taking deep sniffs of the thick, manly scent and driving her mad. She enjoyed its hard, hot texture, rubbing against her several times. Then she tried to pull away only to trip. As the wide, sticky tip rested against her plump, pink lips that trembled from the intoxicating scent that reminded her of that cavern.

Raizel then slowly opened her small mouth to allow his cock to enter her sticky, warm mouth.

Two girls snapped their heads in shock at the familiar scent.




Once again, Vincent thought his women were awesome, as the hot and slimy mouth wrapped around him. He opened his own mouth, choosing to savour the hairy cavern that lay above his face and join in the fun.

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