Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 37 1: The Extent of First Ability

Kou Zhong was slightly startled. He came to the window and pushed it open. Unexpectedly it was the Qiuci beauty, the Hu Ji [barbarian woman/concubine/courtesan] Linglong Jiao, in person, beautiful, fragrant, standing captivatingly outside the window. She was wearing night-walker attire, so that her purity was reduced somewhat, but there was some kind of stirring-tender-affection-beneath-the-surface impression on her; perhaps because her manner was not as-cold-as-ice-and-frost like before, or perhaps because there was a faint grief between her brows and eyes.

“Shaoshuai, how are you?” Linglong Jiao spoke softly.

Suddenly Kou Zhong had an impulse to pull her into his arms; it must be very intoxicatingly delightful, especially recalling her persistently-pushing-others-thousand-of-li-away hateful attitude. However, it was just some fantasy prancing around in his mind; of course he was not going to do it for real.

A bit unsure what to say, he simply said, “Long time no see.”

Linglong Jiao cast him a sidelong glance; her pretty eyebrows lightly knitted, she spoke with slight displeasure, “Why are you staring at me, seemingly unable to take your eyes off me like that? Could it be that you have already forgotten about me?”

Kou Zhong was shocked inwardly. He mused that when a woman made that kind of blaming, angry remark, certainly it was because she had great affection, and was forcing him to declare his position.

He could not help thinking about past events in Chang’an, the grief of when he wanted to say goodbye to Shang Xiufang but after waiting painstakingly, he still could not see her. Clearing his throat, he said, “How could I forget Jiao Xiaojie? How about coming in and talk inside?”

Linglong Jiao shook her head and said, “I received Shengshang’s order to immediately go to Changping to scout Tang Army’s activity; before leaving, I just want to stop by and say hello to Shaoshuai, that’s all.”

From Tongguan to Luoyang, the waterway passed through the Yellow River, while the land route was through the official road out of Luo Pass. Changping was located midway along the Luo Pass official road, right on the south bank of the Yellow River. It simultaneously controlled the water and land, two major routes, while it was also the location of the largest silo west of Luoyang. Both in terms of economic and military, it was definitely a place that any military strategist would want to capture.

While one after another various cities east of the Pass was surrendering to the Li Clan, Changping was still firmly in Wang Shichong’s grasp. But if it fell into Li Shimin’s hands, the Tang Army from Guanzhong would be able to go straight out of Tongguan, via Hongnong to Changping, or from the waterway to Luoyang, landing on the north shore, through the only major thoroughfare, attacking the two strategic towns along the Luo Pass official road Mianchi and Cijian.

“How did Jiao Xiaojie know that I am here?” Kou Zhong asked.

Rolling her eyes at him, she said, “Everything that happened here, rarely anything can be hidden from me. Ay! I really don’t understand, Shengshang treated you like that, you are still willing to come to help him.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “This is called vital interest. Jiao Xiaojie ought to understand what kind of a man Wang Shichong is, why are you still reluctant to give up your post and leave? Once Luoyang falls, it won’t be fun anymore.”

Linglong Jiao shrugged her shoulders. More and more of her charming lascivious pose casually appeared. Wrinkling her nose, she said, “I am just following orders. If he is done for, I’ll recover my freedom, then I’ll come to you to be your little intelligence gatherer!”

Kou Zhong dejectedly said, “I hope I would still be alive to enjoy that good fortune.”

With slight displeasure in her voice, she said, “How could Shaoshuai have no confidence in yourself like this? I won’t talk with you anymore.”

With a somersault, as nimble as a leopard cat, she was suddenly on top of the wall. Without looking at him, she waved her hand good-bye, and swiftly disappeared outside the wall.

Kou Zhong shook his head with a wry smile. He had a general idea of Li Shimin’s might and capability; he also had profound understanding of the amazing way how he moved his troops. Unless Wang Shichong yield to him immediately, or perhaps entrusted the military power completely to him, Kou Zhong, then there would be a slight chance that he would be able to turn the situation around.

This was not to say that he thought his military strategy was outstanding, sufficient to contend against Li Shimin, rather, he would at least be able to appease various generals under Wang Shichong’s command, who were already at odds with him; he would employ them based on their ability, unlike Wang Shichong who only know how to appoint his own relatives.

From now on, until the city of Luoyang fell – would be the most important period for his Shao Shuai Army. The longer this period, the better it would be for him. He would meet with Xuan Yong, Bai Wenyuan, Bu Tianzhi, and the others, via Yang Gongqing, to make the grand plan of defense and offense. Only by seizing his old home Jiangdu would he have the hope of aspiring to the throne over the world, to compete against the unrivalled Li Shimin in hunting the deer in the Central Plains.

For the next fifteen days Kou Zhong did not set his foot outside. He focused his attention on digesting the precious realization that he learned from Ning Daoqi; furthermore, he thoroughly brought the profound mystery of the ‘Eight Methods of the Well’ to a higher level. Every time Yang Gongqing came to visit, they would study Luoyang geographical situation and the application of military strategy and tactics together. His life was quiet and fulfilling.

On the sixteenth day, Wang Shichong, without any reason, delayed the military affairs meeting for at least five days.

Yang Gongqing received the order to pick him up into the palace. As soon as they climbed into the carriage, Yang Gongqing angrily said, “Do you know why Wang Shichong insisted on delaying the meeting by a few days?”

Startled, Kou Zhong asked the reason.

Yang Gongqing said, “This morning Wang Shichong announced the imperial edict: Wang Honglie to guard Xiangcheng, Wang Xingben to guard Hulao, Wang Tai to guard Huaizhou, Wang Shihui to guard Nancheng, Wang Shihui to guard Feicheng, Xuanying Taizi [Crown Prince] to guard Dongcheng, Wang Xuanshu to guard Hejia city, Wang Daosi to guard Yaoyi city, he himself is in command of twenty thousand troops to resist the Tang Army.”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong could only stare at him in astonishment.

The high-ranking military officers guarding the important city on eight points of the compass around Luoyang were all the relatives of Wang Shichong’s clan; evidently he simply did not trust high-ranking military officers of outside his surname. Such move would definitely alienate various generals of different surname one step further.

Maybe because Wang Shichong learned from past experience with Li Mi, knowing that once their troops were defeated, the generals under his command would surrender to the enemy like in a chain reaction. However, moving an army and sending a general by appointing men based on family relationship instead of talent would only put the Zheng Army in defeated position.

This arrangement already caused Wang Shichong to think hard and waste his mental and physical strength, which also resulted in the delay of the meeting.

“Has Zhang Zhenzhou arrived?” Kou Zhong asked.

“Zhenzhou arrived six days ago, along with Xianzhou’s Zongguan Tian Fen and Guanzhou’s Zongguan Yang Qing,” Yang Gongqing replied, “But Li Mi’s surrendering generals Duan Da and Shan Xiongxin were not summoned back into the capital, because Wang Shichong does not trust them even more. Ay, Shaoshuai, tell me, this battle, we don’t need to fight it, I already know the outcome.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Wang Shichong is that kind of man who doesn’t know he is going to lose; our hope is that he will be able to hold out a bit longer.”

Yang Gongqing nodded and said, “Beyond that, what can we expect of him?”

The carriage entered the imperial city.

※ ※ ※

By the time the three sailboats from the Yellow River swiftly entering the Tong Ji Canal, starting their last leg of the journey toward Liangdu, Xu Ziling already knew that he did not fail the task that Kou Zhong entrusted him; he successfully transported the treasure back to Pengliang.

Because Tong Xing Hui [sic; previously it was Tong Xing She] had done enough business and periodically sent tribute, hence they modestly earned favorable reputation, whenever they met with the Zheng Army, they did not have any trouble.

Everybody was in high spirit; hurriedly they replaced the banner with Shao Shuai Army’s Twin-Dragon military banner, to avoid provoking unnecessary misunderstanding.

When they were still a couple of sichen away from Liangdu, Bu Tianzhi got the wind and came; he personally led a warship to welcome them. Meeting again after a long period of separation, naturally they were all exceptionally happy. While the fleet majestically sailed with the current, Xu Ziling, Bu Tianzhi, Gao Zhandao, Niu Fengyi, and Zha Jie gathered in the cabin to talk, telling each other what happened after they parted.

Seeing what kind of talent Bu Tianzhi was, plus he was taking shelter with Kou Zhong, Gao Zhandao and the others’ confidence soared.

Bu Tianzhi said, “Shaoshuai already arrived safely at Luoyang, and is dealing with the old fox. I hope he could defend Luoyang steadily. Only four days ago Shaoshuai sent us news, saying that Ziling and Gao Dajiang [great general] and the others may arrive any moment.”

Everybody was worried over Kou Zhong’s current situation; learning of this matter, immediately a big load on their mind was gone. Only Xu Ziling knew that Kou Zhong had successfully slipped away from under Ning Daoqi’s hands; furthermore, he knew that from this moment on, even if he fought alone, there would not be many people in the world who could deal with Kou Zhong.

“Why did Bu Xiansheng call me Dajiang?” Gao Zhandao asked in astonishment.

Bu Tianzhi smiled and said, “This is Xu Junshi’s arrangement. Shaoshuai has a brilliant insight; Xu Junshi is indeed a rare talent, he organized us, a tray of loose sand, into a real Shao Shuai Magnificent Army Division. In administering the economic and people’s livelihood, everything is clear and in good order even more. Gao Xiong is now one of eight Zhen Dajiang [garrison great general] of our Shao Shuai Army, equivalent to Shaoshuai’s capable aides. Niu Xiong and Zha Xiong are left and right flying generals, respectively. For the time being, one garrison is thirty-five hundred men strong; naturally it will be greatly expanded someday.”

Gao Zhandao and the others were accustomed to being pirates; with more than two hundred men crisscrossing the world, they already felt very great. Hearing that all of a sudden they had more than three thousand men under their command, immediately their spirit was greatly aroused; they were pleased beyond their expectation.

Lowering his voice, Bu Tianzhi said, “Shaoshuai’s message did not mention anything about the Duke Yang’s Treasure; what exactly is the situation?”

“What kind of rumors did you hear?” Xu Ziling asked.

Bu Tianzhi sighed and said, “What we received were all bad news. Reportedly your treasure hunt operation suffered setback, and thus the Li Clan seized the treasures for themselves. However, all along wealth and weapons are external objects; as long as the people could come out unscathed, other things, we really need not care.”

Lowering his voice, Xu Ziling said, “The fact is the exact opposite. In the holds of these three ships of ours, we are carrying gold, enough to feed military and civilian population of the entire Pengliang region for at least three years. This is Shao Shuai Army’s secret; it must not be leaked outside.”

Bu Tianzhi stared at him in disbelief. After Xu Ziling’s brief explanation, Bu Tianzhi slapped his thigh and blurted out, “This will solve the problem that gives Xu Junshi the most headache. After getting the stash that Cao Yinglong’s hid everywhere, in line with Shaoshuai’s intention, Xu Junshi returned the riches to the people, by exempting the Pengliang region of the taxes for one year, also by purchasing large quantities of grains and building materials from various regions via Ze Yue of Long You Bang, using up almost all of the cash reserve. But now that we obtain this gold, naturally it is another matter altogether.”

“How’s Pengliang’s current situation?” Niu Fengyi asked.

Bu Tianzhi replied cheerfully, “Under Xu Junshi’s governance, tens of thousands in Pengliang have had their hearts returning to us; the city is flourishing. Even if the Tang Army arrives tomorrow, we are confident that we will be able to hold out for a few days.”

Greatly interested, Zha Jie asked, “Other than Gao Dajiang, who are the Eight Garrison Generals?”

Bu Tianzhi replied, “Currently we only have six Garrison Generals, there are still two vacancies waiting for virtuous persons. The other five Dajiang are Xuan Yong, Chen Changlin, Bai Wenyuan, Jiao Hongjin, and Xiaodi. Each one is leading a garrison [note: the word ‘garrison’ can also be translated as ‘small town’], the total military strength is twenty thousand.”

Xu Ziling asked in surprise, “Last time when I left, the total strength ought to be over that number.”

Bu Tianzhi said, “This is precisely one of the reasons why I admire Xingzhi. Before, we did not have any separation between military and civilians, we did not have enough weapon and horses to be distributed. The total number of people appeared to be forty, fifty thousand, but actually we were just a mob. Thereupon Xingzhi made a big reform; the entire army was disbanded first, and then from among those who were interested in joining the army and willing to vow loyalty we selected the best, forming six-garrison army, which underwent strict training. We also subdivided Pengliang into six regions, each region is one garrison; we can both maintain law and order, and also provide assistance to regional farming and manufacturing industries, building construction and road repair, furthermore, we also reinforce each region’s defense and military matters in general. Shao Shuai Army now is no longer like Shao Shuai Army then.”

Xu Ziling secretly praised Kou Zhong’s movement; he understood even more why Li Shimin’s restraining fear toward Kou Zhong was growing by the day, simply because Pengliang’s situation must have been reported in details by his own spies’ mouth.

Bu Tianzhi’s excitement in talking was rising, he went on, “In term of internal affair, Xingzhi established four ministries’ superintendent. Ren Dajie is appointed Family Rite Superintendent, in charge of six areas: farming household, normal routine expenses [Courtesy of Akolaw], money and silk, warehouse, ceremony, host and guest, feeding, and other ministries. Chen Laomou is appointed Ministry of Works Superintendent, in charge of civil engineering and construction, village and field, farming expansion, mountains, ponds, parks and gardens, boat building, rivers and canals, and other ministerial duty. Xingzhi himself concurrently holds Law-enforcement Superintendent and Ministry of War Superintendent. The officers are elected officials, they have to take exams, gain merit, pass criminal law, military affairs, and other subjects. Due to all of us are of one heart, the overall operation is both streamlined and effective.”

Hearing that, Xu Ziling did not know how he ought to feel.

Under Xu Xingzhi and the others’ painstaking efforts, the Shao Shuai Army was finally showing its scale. If the Great Tang Army took advantage of this time before they were stable, using Mount-Tai-pressing-down-overhead powerful momentum to destroy them, the people perished and the army scattered, it would definitely be hard for Xu Ziling to take.

Zha Jie excitedly said, “What instruction does Shaoshuai have? Are we going to send troops to help Wang Shichong defending Luoyang?”

Smiling bitterly, Bu Tianzhi said, “Although in name we have twenty-thousand men, the fact is that the combat force is only twelve, thirteen thousand men; the rest consists of all kinds of specialists in defensive structure and heavy military equipment. Moreover, because we still need to leave some men to guard Pengliang, so that Li Zitong, who has been watching like tiger – will not enter by exploiting a weak spot. Therefore, in actuality we could only send absolutely no more than three, four thousand men. Fortunately Shaoshuai clearly ordered us to defend our base camp well, while imploring us to accompany Ziling Xiong to visit Luoyang to meet with him to have a discussion.”

“When are you planning on going?” Xu Ziling asked.

Bu Tianzhi replied, “If there is no objection, we can set out tonight.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Very well, we’ll leave tonight.”

※ ※ ※

The military affairs meeting, which would decide the Zheng State’s rise and fall – was finally being held in the Yizheng Dian [lit. palace hall to discuss politics], presided by Wang Shichong himself. The attendees included Wang Xuanying, Wang Xuanshu, Wang Honglie, Wang Xingben, Wang Shihui, Wang Shiwei, Wang Daohuai, the Crown Prince and other princes. The high-ranking military officers of different surname included Yang Gongqing, Zhang Zhenzhou, Song Mengqiu, Lang Feng, Yang Qing, and Tian Fen; and albeit it was forced, Kou Zhong was added into their number, to even up the number of men on each side.

Apparently Wang Shichong has recovered from the shock of listening to Kou Zhong’s report when he first arrived; he seemed to have planned in advance, and appeared to be calm. However, at least on the surface, he still respected Kou Zhong, and let him sit on the seat of honor on his right-hand side, to stand side by side with Wang Xuanying on the opposite side.

Kou Zhong originally thought that he might see Linglong Jiao, but the Qiuci beauty did not show up.

Wang Shichong started the meeting by saying, “Just received the news: Song JinGang, with twenty thousand elite cavalry, defeated the Tang generals Jiang Baoyi and Li Zhongwen’s troops in surprise attack. The next target, if not Pingyao, then Jiezhou.”

The crowd was in an uproar. Only Wang Xuanying, with grim, sarcastic smile on his face – was staring at Kou Zhong; his reaction was entirely different from other people.

Kou Zhong was puzzled inwardly. Wang Xuanying was not surprised, it must be because he already knew this matter; but his dislike to Kou Zhong was certainly thought provoking.

Something was not right here. But what was it?

Puzzled, Wang Xuanshu asked, “Although Song JinGang is a fierce general, the Tang Army should not be so weak that they were unable to withstand a single blow like this.”

Immensely proud of himself, Wang Xuanying said, “Wangdi [younger brother king] may not know it, but this time Song JinGang invading Taiyuan in the south, he has Xieli’s full support behind him. Not only they provide warhorses and equipment, they also have Tujue elite troops disguised as Song JinGang’s men. Naturally they are not something that the Tang Army can deal with.”

Kou Zhong started to understand why Li Yuan had such a restraining fear toward the Tujue, and did not dare to openly offend Xieli. If he tore the face, Xieli would have no scruples whatsoever to join hands with Song JinGang and move his troops to the south, and then who could stand against them? Fortunately, this moment he was still not that bright-eyed-open-up-gall-bladder [i.e. blatant].

Zhang Zhenzhou said, “Once Song Army takes Pingyao and Jiezhou, they will directly besiege Taiyuan, their original target. Not only Taiyuan is Li Yuan’s old nest, it is also the House of Tang’s back-up granary, it must not fall. I wonder what would Li Yuan’s countermeasure be?”

Wang Shichong looked at Kou Zhong. With a relaxed manner, he said, “If it is really as Shaoshuai had guessed, Li Shimin is deliberately letting Li Yuanji to suffer defeat to lure Song JinGang to penetrate deeply, then it is extremely likely that he is committing the big blunder that will bring the Li Family from prosperity to decline.”

Kou Zhong spoke indifferently, “Where’s the mistake?”

Raising his voice, Wang Shichong spoke word-by-word, loudly and powerfully, “His mistake was in underestimating the enemy. Now Li Yuan already sent Li Yuanji out to defend Taiyuan, he also sent Pei Ji as Jinzhou’s Dao Xing Jun Zongguan [lit. chief of marching army, perhaps a title], leading the troops to support Li Yuanji. Evidently Li Yuan sensed the danger. Once Taiyuan fell, Song JinGang might go down south along Fen River, following the old route Li Yuan took many years ago to enter the Pass, crossing the Yellow River and straight toward Chang’an. Otherwise, why would he send Pei Ji to help?”

Wang Xuanying laughed evilly and said, “As long as we can restrain Li Shimin’s army outside the Pass, by the time Song JinGang go down south smoothly, even if Li Shimin had three heads and six arms, he would fall into the enemy-in-front-and-back situation, then no one can change his fate.”

Kou Zhong raised his eyebrows, but did not answer.

Tian Fen asked, “What is Li Shimin’s army strength? Where are they stationed?”

Wang Xuanying scrambled to answer, “This moment Li Shimin’s main force is concentrated at Chousang, northwest of Hongnong, two-day march from Taolin. Looking on the situation, they seem to be marching toward Changping. This time we must make him able to come, unable to leave.”

Kou Zhong sighed inwardly. With his incompetence and ignorance, Wang Xuanying was trying to guess Li Shimin’s capability, it was akin to summer bug trying to talk about ice; he did not know what he was talking about.

Frowning, Zhang Zhenzhou said, “With Li Shimin’s shrewdness, how could he be stupid enough to open up two fire heads at the same time? Everybody knew that even if Luoyang remains as a lone city, it is not something that can be captured within a year or a half.”

Displeased, Wang Xuanying said, “He does not come to attack me, then I will come to attack him, to make him stand in the deep mud, unable to divide his troops to deal with Song JinGang. By the time Song JinGang and Li Army, both sides suffer, we will enter by exploiting a weak spot, and thus receiving the fisherman’s benefit to the greatest extend.”

Wang Shichong cleared his throat to interrupt Wang Xuanying’s immensely-pleased-with-himself torrential river of words. Turning to Kou Zhong, he said, “If Shaoshuai has any opinion about this matter, please speak out, no need to have the slightest misgivings.”

Kou Zhong cursed him inwardly. Although Wang Shichong was putting on an act of respecting the wise, the fact was that he already had a plan. By putting the princes out to be in charge of strategic towns all around Luoyang, his purpose was to ensure Luoyang’s safety and secure the route for providing foodstuff; furthermore, it was also to guard against his men defecting to the enemy.

If one was to besiege Luoyang, the first thing to do was to clear away these layers of barrier. Thereupon, he slowly said, “What’s the situation on Li Shiji’s side?”

Wang Shichong said, “Li Yuan appointed Huai’an Wang [king] Li Shentong to be the Shandong’s Dao An Fu Dashi [ambassador to pacify the road], to help Li Shiji attacking Yuwen Huaji’s troops at Weixian, hoping to defeat Yuwen Huaji one step ahead of Dou Jiande, to intercept Dou Jiande’s army.”

Kou Zhong slapped the table and said with a sigh, “This is precisely the role of the troops Li Shimin stationed at Chousang; its purpose is to control Shengshang’s Zheng Army, to give Li Shiji a chance to expand to the north.”

Zhang Zhenzhou nodded and said, “Shaoshuai’s view is not without any reason.”

Wang Xuanying laughed coldly and said, “I think Li Shimin is following the path to his own doom. Yuwen Huaji’s demise is at hand, this is the fact that no one can reclaim. It does not matter which side defeats Yuwen Huaji, with no one helping him, the Xia and the Tang powers will face each other. To us, there will he a hundred advantages without a single harm.”

Wang Honglie and the others were Wang Xuanying’s cronies; one after another they praised him, they voiced their support to him.

Wang Shichong cleared his throat again. After everybody’s attention was back to him, he spoke heavily, “Today’s meeting is to decide whether we ought to send troops to attack Li Shimin. This is a matter of great importance. Once the weapons of war move, we are openly [orig. tearing the face apart] declaring war against Li Yuan.”

Wang Xuanying spoke resolutely, “This is a one-in-a-thousand-years opportunity; we must not miss it.”

Zhang Zhenzhou and Yang Gongqing exchanged a glance; they did not speak.

Tian Fen and Yang Qing, two men’s position was lower than theirs, they did not dare to make any noise even more.

Song Mengqiu was the first to express his approval. Lang Feng and the rest of the relatives echoed in succession.

Seeing Kou Zhong staring blankly with knitted eyebrows, Wang Shichong asked in surprise, “Does Shaoshuai have different thought?”

It was as if Kou Zhong had suddenly woken up; he nodded and said, “I surely have different thought. In my humble opinion, under current circumstances, it is definitely inadvisable to send troops to attack the Tang.”


Wang Xuanying heavily slapped the table and roared furiously, “I knew you are the spy that Li Shimin sent here; you still haven’t revealed the fox’s tail?”

Everybody, including Wang Shichong, was stunned.

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